Photography & Experiences
In my professional life, I am an educator. In my spare time, I collect images and experiences.

I see the world in images, and capturing those with my lens allows me to immerse myself in and try to make sense of the world around me

Often, the photographs I take are simple ones: the small things I observe on my walks, the wisteria hanging from a café portico in the West Village, a construction site whose piled up pipes remind me of an art exhibit I once saw in Tallin, the face of my child gleefully jumping into a puddle along the banks of the River Cam.

But sometimes the photographs I take capture the essence of a moment and the tempo of a mood of greater import – empty streets of NYC during the Covid lockdown, tents of the homeless in San Francisco, the makeshift playground of a refugee camp in Bethlehem. Taking pictures forces me to pay attention and notice details that might otherwise pass me by in the whirlwind of life.

I am also particularly interested in the more philosophic underpinnings of photography.